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​Classroom Management
for Cooperative Learning

Getting Ready For 



Many people see some cooperative learning structures, get excited about their potential and rush to do them in their class - but find they didn't work as well as they had hoped. This is because the set up and management of the classroom is as important to successful Cooperative Learning as the structures and activities themselves - without either, Cooperative Learning just can't live up to it's promise of tranformational teaching.

Classroom setup


Classroom setup is very important in ensuring implementation of Cooperative Learning structures is easy and effective. Setup includes placemats and materials, table setup, student grouping and movement around the classroom. Click on the Clasroom Setup subtab above to find out more...



Classroom Management


As Cooperative Learning by it's very nature is noisy and involves movement around the classroom, it is important to have good class management in place, including placemats for choosing students and noise reduction and quiet signals. Click on the Class Management subtab to find out more.



Class Cohesiveness


Class cohesiveness is vital if Cooperative Learning is to be effective. Class cohesiveness is measured in how comfortable students are with their peers and how safe they feel in sharing and interacting. There are a few easy ways of increasing class cohesiveness, which is especially important when starting Cooperative Learning with a class. Click on the Class Cohesiveness subtab to find out more...



Making Sure Teaching Structures are Cooperative (using CALC)


Cooperative Learning structures are designed to ensure true cooperativeness. There are a number of metrics against which structures should be measured to ensure that the structures will facilitate true Cooperative Learning within the classroom. Click on the Using CALC subtab above to find out more about CALC...



Read Professionally & Connect with other Cooperative Teachers


Cooperative Learning is a transformational teaching practice and, although information and resources can be few and far between, make sure you develop your understanding and share resources and ideas with others on the Cooperative Learning journey.



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